August 1st is

Pastel Yellow Minimalist Star Sparkle




Pastel Yellow Minimalist Star Sparkle




*Photo credit Wild for Planners

"I never had true friends before the planner community. I was bullied growing up and it wasn't until I found the planner community that I made lasting friendships. Planning is my more than my creative outlet, it has allowed me to make and maintain friendships with friends that have become like family." - @amyraeplans5

What is National Planner Day?

August 1st is National Planner Day - the biggest planner party day of the year!

What is the mission of National Planner Day?

  • To CELEBRATE the power of planning and how it truly changes lives

  • To SUPPORT fellow planners, shops and brands by honoring their contributions and individuality

  • To SHARE resources which inspire, uplift and foster new connections in our amazing community

  • To GATHER TOGETHER in person or virtually and create lifelong friendships

  • To WELCOME new friends into the "planner world" and bond over our common interest and love of planning

  • To HAVE FUN!

Benefits of Planning

Helps You Focus

Writing things down engages different parts of your brain, helps you to more fully process your thoughts and creates better memory cues for later recall.

Also, it's so satisfying!

A Form of Self-Care

Did you know the average person checks their phone 150 times day? Physical planning provides a space to slow down, disconnect, and be more intentional

with your time and goals.

A Supportive Community

There's no community like the planner community!

No matter your planning preferences, we all share a common thread and who doesn't want a

community cheering them on?!

Planner Resources


Black Sale Digitalism Text

Day of Discounts

An ever-growing database of planner-related

resources: groups, podcasts, books, & more!

Also, find additional planner inspiration here.

Check out our discounts page for a ​directory of brands & shops offering ​discounts on National Planner Day ​(8/1/24). *Be sure to shop small!

A database of upcoming planner conferences,

meet-ups & virtual events

Plus, a list of day-of events (hosted independently by community members)

Do you have a resource we missed? Are you a brand or shop running a deal 8/1? Are you interested in hosting a day of event on your

social channels you want us to direct community members to? Email by 7/19 and we will add you to the lists!

Ways to Celebrate on 8/1

Photo of Planner and Writing Materials

Share The Planner Love

Share why you love planning on Instagram in post or reel form. Use #NationalPlannerDay and/or tag @NationalPlannerDay - we'll add you to the pinned group highlights to connect with fellow planner lovers!

Host a Planner Party!

Get together with friends and/or family members and have a planning party! A vision board workshop is always a fun idea for a get together

inspired by @travelmamas

*Photo credit Nicole Lynch

Find New Connections

Find, support, and connect with new planner shops, brands, creators, and community members in this growing directory, by participating in events, or by browsing #nationalplannerday posts!

share the planner love:

National Planner Day is a non-profit, all-inclusive holiday honoring the people and community which value the hobby and power of planning. The backend databases are currently powered by The Planner Wire and the help of community volunteers. Have questions? Want to volunteer?

Have a great resource, discount, or event to add? Email!

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